In May 2016 plans were afoot for a major upgrade to turn the outdoor pool at Remuera Gardens into a meticulously designed indoor pool. Remuera Gardens is a retirement village situated amid established gardens that provide a park-like environment.
Underground Air Distribution Duct - A Retirement Village First.
<p "margin-bottom:8.5pt;text-align:justify;="" mso-hyphenate:none"="">The upgrade was going through a tender process. A mechanical consultant had already designed the ventilation based on a traditional air-to-air heat exchange system and a single overhead duct down the centre of the pool for Remuera Gardens. Poor ductwork design can lead to stagnant areas of air resulting in trapped moisture, which could lead to poor health and future building damage. <p "margin-bottom:8.5pt;text-align:justify;="" mso-hyphenate:none"="">Because of high initial investment and high running cost, Herb Farrant was contracted to look for a more economic solution to lower both the capital and operating costs.<p "margin-bottom:8.5pt;text-align:justify;="" mso-hyphenate:none"="">Keeping the humidity in the indoor pool hall under control is a major concern for any pool facility owners. Our solution was based on our integrated system utilising a Duoheat Heat Pump as the heat source for pool water heating. The same Duoheat unit is used to heat a buffer tank efficiently and push the heated water through epoxy coated coils of a Vent-Air Supply Air Handler, which in turn supplies warm fresh air to the indoor pool hall.<p "margin-bottom:8.5pt;text-align:justify;="" mso-hyphenate:none"="">HWHP years of experience in this field, commissioning more than 90 indoor pools in different shapes, sizes and applications helped us to put a budget price together quickly for this project.